
Значки Мерседес-Бенц

Mercedes-Benz pins / insignes

Mercedes-Benz Abzeichen / insignias

Distintivi Mercedes-Benz / crachas

PINS with Mercedes logo

alt 1934 Germany
Gottlieb Daimler


alt 1933 Germany
Mercedes Stickpin (*)
As we mentioned above the Mercedes company evidently issued stickpins, amulets, cufflinks, and lapel pins. We offer the woman’s amulet or pendant above and here is the stickpin die struck and produced by Herr Franz Schnell, who was Germany’s premier producer of silver jewelry from the 1920s to the late 1940s. See About Our Rings and Silver Insignia. The stickpin is exactly the same in design as the pendant with the Mercedes emblem with the early NS eagle and swastika. See also the supporting images above. The stickpin, like the pendant, is struck in silver with the ‘800’ silver stamp on the back. This is a very rare Third Reich relic.


alt Yugoslavia

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alt Germany
Mercedes-Benz Financement

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Germany - Mercedes-Benz

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Germany - Mercedes-Benz

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Germany - Mercedes-Benz

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Germany - Mercedes-Benz
500.000 km, 1.000.000 km, 2.000.000 km gold pins with brilliants

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Germany - Mercedes-Benz

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alt France

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alt U.S.A.
US Marines 2nd Battalion 9th Marines Honor Fidelity Valor Iron On Patch

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alt 1980 U.S.S.R.
Mercedes-Benz was the official supplier of the XXII Olympic Games in Moscow


alt Germany
a gift collection of pins with Daimler, Benz and Mercedes logos

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alt Germany
Mercedes pin


alt Germany
AMG pins

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alt Germany
Maybach pin


alt Sweden
Mercedes-Benz gruppen Sverige


alt Germany
Benz pins

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alt 1969 Germany
Mercedes-Benz Star salesmen guild


Formula 1




(*) изображения старых флагов и символики Рейха - не являются пропагандой нацизма и фашизма, а только для исторической информации.
(*) the old Reich flags are not for nazi propaganda, only for historic information.


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